Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I don't know how many of you realize this - but I was suppose to do the Roz Chast interview for the New Yorker. Yes, it's true. But when it dawned on me that I had no idea who Roz Chast was, I called up Steve Martin and asked him to do the interview for me. He verbally scolded me for not knowing her work and hung up the phone (quite loudly I might add) but not before calling me a bunch of 3 letter words. I immediately researched the work of Miss Chast (if I may be so bold to call her Miss) and came to the conclusion that Mr Martin was indeed right. I'm afraid the New Yorker is beyond (and above me) right along with her fine work. I'll never be more than a Three Stooges/Morey Amsterdam kind of guy when it comes to comedy.

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